Client Brief Convert the historic Childrens Dental Clinic to thirty apartments with a further seven apartments in a roof top addition.

Parlante Solution With a tired yet solid structure to work with as an almost blank canvas, we developed solutions to create thirty unique apartments within the existing structure. No apartments are exactly alike and this alone provides added value both in terms of individuals’ perception and in real terms.

Loggias, decks and generally excellent natural light add to the sense of permanency and quality of building. Materials and details are specified to compliment and enhance the existing character, including retaining original matai timber flooring and many original steel windows.

The rooftop provided sufficient area for seven spacious three bedroom apartments complete with large courtyards, all with direct access from the living level. Compliance with heritage controls resulted in the new structure being set back from the existing facades such that generous out door living spaces could be provided. The lift extension to this level of the building provides easy access to the duplex styled apartments. While sympathetic to the existing heritage building, the roof top apartments addition stands on its own merits.

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